
Judah Freed

JUDAH FREED (1950–) is a journalist, author, speaker and consultant. His work has won two Nautilus Book Awards and a Benjamin Franklin Book Award.

Entering journalism in 1976, he worked a decade covering Denver and Colorado. For the next two decades, he wrote for the top U.S. and European media trade magazines, pioneering coverage of the internet and interactive TV, presenting talks on four continents. Moving to Kauai in 2010, he edited island newspapers and magazines for a decade. Now back home in Denver, he works for a news service and writes books.

Judah is a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors (First Amendment, Banned Books committees), PEN America, The Authors Guild, Society of Professional Journalists, National Society of Newspaper Columnists, Coalition of Visionary Resources, Independent Book Publishers Association, Colorado Inde­pendent Publishers Association, Colorado Authors League, and the historic Denver Press Club.
